How to Download and Fill Out an ObraÄunski List GraÄevinske Knjige
An obraÄunski list graÄevinske knjige (OLGK) is a form that is used to record and calculate the costs of construction works in Serbia. It is a mandatory document for any construction project that requires a building permit, and it must be submitted to the competent authorities upon completion of the works.
The OLGK contains information such as the name and location of the construction site, the type and quantity of work performed, the unit price and total amount of each work item, and the signature of the contractor and the supervising engineer. The OLGK must be filled out according to the prescribed format and rules, which can be found in the Regulation on Construction Books and Forms (Pravilnik o graÄevinskoj knjizi i obrascima) issued by the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure.
One way to obtain an OLGK form is to download it from the website of Paragraf Lex, a legal portal that provides various forms and templates for different purposes. The OLGK form can be found under the section \"Carinski postupci\" (Customs Procedures) [^1^]. The form is in PDF format and can be opened and filled out using a program that supports PDF, such as Adobe Reader or PDF-XChange. Alternatively, one can also create an OLGK form using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, following the same format and rules as the PDF form.
obracunski list gradjevinske knjige download pdf
Another way to obtain an OLGK form is to download it from Scribd, a digital library that hosts various documents and books. There are several examples of OLGK forms that have been uploaded by users on Scribd, such as [^2^] and [^3^]. These forms are also in PDF or XLS format and can be downloaded or viewed online using a Scribd account. However, one should be careful when using these forms as they may not be updated or accurate according to the current regulations.
Once an OLGK form is obtained, it should be filled out with the correct information and calculations for each work item. The form should also be signed by the authorized persons and stamped with the official seal of the contractor. The completed OLGK form should then be submitted to the relevant authorities along with other documents required for the approval of the construction works.
The OLGK form is an important document that reflects the quality and cost of the construction works. It is also a basis for the calculation of taxes and fees related to the construction project. Therefore, it is essential to fill out the OLGK form accurately and completely, following the relevant regulations and standards. Any errors or omissions in the OLGK form may result in penalties or delays in the approval process.
To avoid any mistakes or difficulties in filling out the OLGK form, it is advisable to consult with a professional engineer or a legal expert who has experience and knowledge in this field. They can help with the preparation and verification of the OLGK form, as well as provide guidance and advice on any issues or questions that may arise. Additionally, one can also refer to online resources and examples that can provide useful information and tips on how to fill out the OLGK form correctly and efficiently. 29c81ba772